Classify Antiplatelet

Side effects of Antiplatelet Agents:

  • Aspirin: 

  1. Aspirin induced Asthma: Blockage of COX enzyme indirectly induces the production of Leukotrienes which is a cause of Asthma. 
  2. Excessive Bleeding: Aspirin blocks the production of TXA2 in mature platelets throughout its life time (10 days). so, After using aspirin there is a greater chance of Bleeding. 

  • Clopidogrel:

  1. Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 
  2. Melena 
  3. Rectal Hemorrhage 
  4. Rash 

  • Abciximab: 

  1. Hemorrhage 
  2. hypotension 
  3. Myocardial Infraction
  4. Cardiac Arrest 


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