Mechanism of Drug Interactions

1.      Metabolism Interaction (Pharmacokinetic) (of Warfarin/ vit K inhibitors)

(disulfiram, clopidogrel, amiodarone)


Inhibits CYP2C9 (Responsible for Warfarin Metabolism)


¯ Metabolism of Warfarin


­ Risk of Haemorrhage

2.      Pharmacodynamic Interactions:

Synergistic or Antagonistic Effect by another drug.



Inhibition of Factor IIa and Xa


No blood Coagulation + Aspirin (blood thinner)


Risk of bleeding

Adverse Drug Reactions of Oral anticoagulants

1. Risk of Bleeding

2. Rash

3. Impaired Hepatic Function

4. Hyperthyroidism

5. Congestive Heart Failure

6. Gastric Ulcer haemorrhage


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