Classification of Fibrinolytic Agents based on their Target of Action 

Based on the Target of Action. Fibrinolytic Drugs are classified into 3 generations-

1st Generation: Acts by Fibrinolysis + Fibrinogenolytic action (Non-selective) 

  • Site of Action: Free Plasminogen and Fibrin found in Plasminogen (Less Specific).  
  • Examples: Streptokinase, Urokinase
  • Mode of Action: 
  1. Binds to Free Plasminogen: Depletes free fibrinogen (Fibrinogenolysis) Bleeding Complication 
  2. Binds to Fibrin bound Plasminogen: Fibrinolysis (Less Specific) 

2nd Generation: Acts by mostly on Fibrinolysis (75 % Selective)

  • Site of Action: Fibrin found in Plasminogen. 
  • Examples: Alteplase 
  • Mode of Action
  1. Binds with  Fibrin found in plasminogen (75%): Fibrinolysis 
  2. More Fibrin Specific (75%) 

3rd Generation: Acts selectively on Fibrinolysis (Selective)

  • Site of Action: Fibrin  bound Plasminogen. 
  • Examples: Reteplase, Monteplase 
  • Mode of Action
  1. Binds selectively with Fibrin Bound Plasminogen
  2. Activation of Plasmin 
  3. Fibrinolysis 

Mention the names of the drugs that acts as P2Y12 receptor inhibitors

Clopidogrel, Prasugrel

Clopidogrel, the first P2Y12 inhibitor, was the standard for DAPT until newer options became available.


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