Regular administration of broken tablet of aspirin may increase the chances of gastric ulcer – enumerate the reasons

Aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), is a commonly used drug for the treatment of pain, fever, and inflammation.

Aspirin comes with Enteric Coating. this type of coating is made to withstand the tablet in strong acidic condition of stomach acid. As aspirin is a Acidic drug its absorption will be greater in basic pH. As stomach has Acidic pH, an enteric coating is made so that the tablet can pass through the stomach and can reach intestine and absorbed. 

Breaking the Aspirin tablet Damages the coating also and makes it readily dissolve inside stomach due to increased surface area after broken. It increasing the chance of gastric ulcer due to several reasons:
  1. Blockage to Prostaglandins: Prostaglandins are responsible for the inhibition of Gastric acid release and mucosal Protection. Aspirin blocks the action of PGs leading to risk of developing Ulcers. 
  2. Decrease in Stomach pH: Aspirin is Acidic and also induces the release of Gastric Acid, so overall pH of stomach becomes too acidic, leading to chances for the development of ulcer.
  3. Increase bleeding: Aspirin is a blood thinner and reduces the blood clotting, and increases the chance of serious gastrointestinal Bleeding.
Breaking the tablet of aspirin may cause the drug to be released too quickly, increasing the direct contact of aspirin with the stomach lining, thereby increasing the risk of gastric ulcers.


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